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Suomen ja ruotsin kieli Turussa

Finnish and Swedish language in Turku


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Turku offers Finnish and Swedish courses for people of different levels. Other important information on the subject can be found at the page Finnish and Swedish(Link leads to external service).


Possibilities of studying the Finnish or Swedish language in Turku

Registration for language courses usually takes place approximately 2–8 weeks prior to the start of the course. Some courses have to be applied for. You can register for some of them online.

Finnish and Swedish courses organised by Employment and Economic Development Offices (TE Offices) are applied for through the TE Office. Find out more from your own TE Office.

In Turku, Finnish courses are organised for full-time mothers and the elderly at Turku Adult Education Centre.

You can also apply for Finnish or Swedish courses independently. Some of the teaching takes the whole day, and some is more of the hobby type. You can find further information and application instructions at the educational establishments’ own websites.

Link redirects to another websiteTurku Christian Institute

Immigrant education

Link redirects to another websitePaasikivi Institute

Studies for immigrants

Link redirects to another websiteThe Summer University of Turku

Finnish for Foreigners

Link redirects to another websiteTurun iltalukio

Iltalukio maahanmuuttajille

Societies and other organisations also organise Finnish-language clubs and discussion groups.

You can also study Finnish independently online:

Study Finnish Online

Read more:

Finnish and Swedish courses for adults


National Certificate of Language Proficiency

In Turku, you can take the National Certificate of Language Proficiency in Finnish or Swedish. The National Board of Education website has a search engine that you can use to check where and when you may take the examination.

Link redirects to another websiteFinnish National Board of Education

Degree search engine

Read more:

Official certificate of language proficiency(Link leads to external service)