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Työ ja yrittäjyys Vantaalla

Work and Enterprise in Vantaa

Vantaa has various services to help with integration. Vantaa Info service points provide information about the services of the City of Vantaa and the state. You can get advice and guidance from Vantaa-based associations in many different languages. Information points are located throughout the city.

Local information

Select your municipality in order to see information about local services when browsing the site.

Find a job in Vantaa

The Business Finland website lets you view job advertisements in Finland based on your area or field. You can also search for jobs in Vantaa.

Link redirects to another websiteCity of Vantaa

Jobs in Vantaa

Vantaa Employment Services

Vantaa Employment Services  (Vantaan työllisyyspalvelut) provide you with guidance on job-seeking and information on vacancies and training. If you need advice and support for finding work or Finnish language training, contact the City of Vantaa’s employment services. For more information on city services, please visit the City of Vantaa website.

Vantaa Employment Services Service Point

Vernissakatu 1, 1st floor.
Open: Mon–Fri 9:00–16:00
Tel. 09 8395 0140

If you are unemployed, register as a job-seeker at the TE Office

If you are unemployed and looking for a job, you need to register as a job-seeker at the Employment and Economic Development Office, or TE Office. Also register if you are laid off, your training ends or your pay-subsidised job ends. You can register as a jobseeker via the online service of the TE Services, at the nearest TE Office or by phone.

Uusimaa Employment and Economic Development Office, Vantaa
Vernissakatu 1, 5th floor
Mon–Fri 9 am–4 pm
Tel. 0295 025500

Citizens of the EU member countries, Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Switzerland can register as job-seekers through the TE Office’s online service. Citizens of other countries must register in person at the TE Office. Please take along your ID card and residence permit.

Read more about the services of the Employment and Economic Development Office, or TE Office, on the InfoFinland page If you become unemployed. You can find information about looking for work in Finland on the InfoFinland page Find a job in Finland.

Link redirects to another websiteVantaa Employment and Economic Development Office

Contact information and services

Help with finding work

Vantaa Skills Centre (Vantaan osaamiskeskus)

If you live in Vantaa, have permission to work in Finland and are an adult client of a TE Office, you can apply for the services of the Vantaa Skills Centre. They can help you determine your skills and provide guidance with studies and working life. You can also improve your Finnish language skills. Contact your designated expert at the TE Office. The Vantaa Skills Centre also has courses, training sessions and events open to other immigrants. You can find the centre’s contact information through the link below.

Link redirects to another websiteCity of Vantaa

Vantaa Skills Centre

Integration Center Monika

Integration Center Monika assists unemployed immigrant women in finding work. You can receive assistance in writing a CV or job application, study everyday Finnish and digital skills.

Link redirects to another websiteLuckan integration

Guidance for finding work

Luckan Integration

Luckan Integration is a service that offers individual counselling for immigrants and organises events and groups connected to job-seeking, for example. The events are in English.

Link redirects to another websiteLuckan integration

Guidance for finding work


The work career mentoring of Väestöliitto, the Family Federation of Finland is meant for educated immigrants. You can get a mentor who will support you with looking for a job or study place or starting a business. The activities are in Finnish.

Link redirects to another websiteFamily Federation of Finland

Career mentoring


If you are under 30 years old, you can get advice and guidance from the Ohjaamo service. Ohjaamo staff can help you if you do not have a job or study place.

Link redirects to another websiteOhjaamo Vantaa


R3 Maahanmuuttajanuorten tuki ry

R3 The immigrant youth support association helps young people with things connected to education and employment. You can find more information on the association’s website.

Link redirects to another websiteR3 immigrant youth support association

Support for young immigrants

The project for including parents in education and working life

The project for including parents in education and working life takes place in Vantaa and serves the immigrant parents residing in Vantaa. Parents study the Finnish language and mathematics as well as learn about Finnish society, the school system and working life. Parents study part of the week in comprehensive school classes or pre-primary education groups, and part of the week under the guidance of an S2 coach. The themes include the Finnish language, education, working life as well as everyday life and society. Parents can attend together with a young child.

Setting up a business

In Vantaa, counselling services related to entrepreneurship are provided under one roof in the Leija Business Service Centre. Among others, the Leija building is home to the city’s business services, Business Vantaa, Chamber of Commerce, Yritysohjaamo, Vantaan Yrittäjät association and the TE Office’s business services. Business Finland appointments are also available in Leija by appointment.

If you would like to set up your own business, you can receive help from the Leija Business Service Centre. They can assist in business idea development or business planning. The services are free of charge.

Leija Business Service Centre
Elannontie 3
01510 Vantaa

Link redirects to another websiteVantaa Enterprise Agency

Business counselling

The Business Vantaa network can help if you want to start a business in Vantaa, acquire training, recruit manpower, go international or find new contacts. The services are free of charge.

Contact Business Vantaa by calling their helpline 09839 20000, Mon–Fri 8:00 am–3:30 pm.

Business Helsinki offers personal business startup counselling, organises information events and provides entrepreneur coaching in many languages in Helsinki.

If you own a business in Vantaa, you can become a member of the Vantaan Yrittäjät association. Vantaan Yrittäjät ry is a lobbying organisation for entrepreneurs, which provides its members with training and advice, among other services. You can find more information on the organisation’s website.

Link redirects to another websiteVantaan Yrittäjät ry

Lobbying organisation for entrepreneurs

Uusimaa TE Office (TE-toimisto) provides many different services for new entrepreneurs or people who are considering entrepreneurship. At the Uusimaa TE Office, you can take an entrepreneurship training course and apply for a start-up grant to start a business, for example.

To read more, go to: Starting a business in Finland.


The customer service of the Metropolitan Area tax office is in Helsinki city centre.

Contact information:
Hämeentie 15
00500 Helsinki

Immigrants can also use the International House Helsinki service point. At the service point, experts from Kela and the Tax Administration provide guidance for immigrants coming to work in Finland in matters concerning taxation and social security.

Contact information of the International House Helsinki service point:

International House Helsinki
Lintulahdenkuja 2
00530 Helsinki

Read more: Taxation.