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Perhe Kajaanissa

Family in Kajaani


Local information

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Read more general information: Family

When you are pregnant

Read more: Pregnancy and childbirth


Before marriage, an examination of the impediments to marriage and a certificate of accessibility are required.
This ensures that there are no impediments to marriage under Finnish law. It is done in writing.

A prenuptial agreement (marriage contract) is an agreement that both spouses can keep their property in the event of divorce.
If there is no prenuptial agreement, the property is divided equally under Finnish marriage law.
The prenuptial agreement must be registered in the Finnish Population Register of the DVV.

You can find information on the website of the DVV:
- Investigation of impediments to marriage
- civil marriage
- family name after marriage
- marriage contract

Digital and Population Data Services Agency DVV
Lönnrotinkatu 2 C
87100 Kajaani

The office is open by appointment Wed 9.30-16.00 and Fri 10.00-15.30.
Book an appointment at the national booking service

Read more: Marriage in Finland

Divorce or dissolution of a registered partnership 

You can file for divorce alone or together with your spouse. You can file for divorce even if your spouse does not want to divorce you.
You can apply for divorce at the district court of your municipality by submitting a written application.
You can submit your divorce application to the district court office.
The dissolution of a registered partnership is done in the same way as divorce.
Read more: Divorce

Kainuu District Court

Address for visitors:                     
Lönnrotinkatu 2 a
II floor
87100 Kajaani

Post address:
PL 95
87101 Kajaani

Office 02956 49479 or 02956 49474
District Court Secretary on duty 02956 49451 or 050 3637 907

Open: Mon - Fri 8.00–16.15

Children in divorce

When you get divorced and have children under 18, you must agree:
- the child's accommodation arrangements
- custody
- access rights
- child maintenance (alimony)

The agreement is confirmed by the social services. Once the social welfare office confirms the agreement, it is official.
Contact your child welfare officer.

You can get help with family mediation.
Call the family counselling office.
You can call on Monday and Wednesday, and Friday from 10.00 am to 11.30 am.
phone: +358 44 7974151

Read more: Children in a divorce

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Kainuu regions child welfare officials