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Koulutus Pyhäjoella

Education in Pyhäjoki

Pyhäjoki has several units of early childhood education, preschool education, basic education and an own upper secondary school. Music institute and adult education centre provide contact teaching in the municipality. The fibre-optic network enables effective distance learning.

Local information

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Early childhood education

Pyhäjoki has two day-care centres, Kivitasku and Kurrela, as well as four family day-care centres, Ylikiiskilä, Iikkala, Vekkula and Pikkuvekkula. In addition, there is a family day-care provider operating in Parhalahti.

Pyhäjoki offers only Finnish-language early childhood education, but some of the units have staff, who speak English and Russian.

Apply for a place in day care for your child at least 4 months before he or she is due to enter early childhood education. The application form is available for printing on the Pyhäjoki Municipality’s Early Childhood Education page or you can pick up a paper application form in the Municipal Hall. Please submit the application to the municipality’s Director of Early Childhood Education.

Director of Early Childhood Education

Tel. 040 359 6182

Link redirects to another websiteMunicipality of Pyhäjoki

Early childhood education

Read more: Early childhood education

Preschool education

Pre-school education is free-of-charge education, which is arranged in day care centres and schools for 6 year olds. Pre-school education will provide your child with the skills required for basic education. Pre-school education is optional.

In Pyhäjoki, pre-school education is arranged at two schools at the following addresses:

Yppäri school

Vanhamaantie 38, 86170 Yppäri

Tel. 040 359 6152

Parhalahti pre-school (Saari School's unit)

Parhalahdentie 68, 86110 Parhalahti

Tel. 040 359 6118

The municipality will send an invitation to participate in pre-school education in the spring, and pre-school will begin in August.

Saari School is responsible for the education of children who speak a language other than Finnish as their native language.

For more information on child care and pre-school education, you can also contact the Director of Early Childhood Education.

Director of Early Childhood Education

Tel. 040 359 6182

Link redirects to another websiteMunicipality of Pyhäjoki

Saari School

Read more: Preschool education

Basic education

Children beginning their basic (or comprehensive) education are invited to visit the school during the preceding spring. School starts in August. You will find the contact information for the schools on the website of the municipality of Pyhäjoki. If you have questions regarding basic education, you can also contact the education office (koulutoimisto).

Saari School is responsible for the education of children who speak a language other than Finnish as their native language in Pyhäjoki. Individual children are supported in the early stages of their education and a preparatory education class is organised for groups of more than three comprehensive school pupils. In preparatory education, the child’s Finnish language skills are strengthened before the child moves on to regular teaching in accordance with their age group. Saari School also offers teaching in Finnish as a second language.

If you are moving to Pyhäjoki together with school-aged children, please contact the Saari School or the Head of Education as soon as possible.

Contact information for Education office:

Pyhäjoki Municipal Hall

Kuntatie 1, 86100 Pyhäjoki

Tel. 040 359 6100

email: kunta(at)

Head of Education

Tel. 040 359 6101

Link redirects to another websitePyhäjoki Municipality

Basic education

Link redirects to another websiteMunicipality of Pyhäjoki

Saari School

Read more: Comprehensive education

Native language education for immigrants

Pyhäjoki provides pupils education in their own native language as far as possible. The school office will give you more information on the teaching of your child’s native language.

Contact information for Education office:

Pyhäjoki Municipal Hall

Kuntatie 1, 86100 Pyhäjoki

Tel. 040 359 6100

email: kunta(at)

Vocational education and training

Vocational training is provided in the area by Brahe Education Centre’s units in Raahe and Siikajoki, the Vocational Education Centre JEDU’s unit in Kalajoki and Raahe Business College.

Through these institutions, you can obtain a degree in almost two hundred different vocations. Both the Brahe Education Centre in Raahe and the Vocational Education Centre JEDU in Kalajoki also offer preparatory vocational education (TUVA).

For more information, see the website of the Town of Raahe's education department (opetustoimi) and on the institutions’ own websites.

Town of Raahe Education department / Management

Address: Rantakatu 5 D, 1st floor.

Postal address: PL 62, 92100 Raahe

email: opetustoimi(at)

Link redirects to another websiteBrahe multidiscipline education centre

Brahe education centre

Link redirects to another websiteRaahe Business College

Raahe Business College

Link redirects to another websiteFinnish National Agency for Education

TUVA education

Read more: Vocational education and training

Upper secondary school

In its teaching plan, Pyhäjoki Upper Secondary School (Pyhäjoen lukio) focuses on independent and self-motivated learning, while the curriculum has an emphasis on entrepreneurialism and media skills.

Each year, students from the school organise the Pyhäjoki Fair (Pyhäjoen Messut) and edit the Pyhäjoen Kuulumiset (Pyhäjoki Tidings) weekly local magazine.

Pyhäjoki Upper Secodary School (Pyhäjoen lukio)

Kuntatie 8, 86100 Pyhäjoki

Tel. 040 359 6160

Link redirects to another websitePyhäjoki Municipality

Pyhäjoki Upper Secondary School

Read more: Upper secondary school.

Young people without a place of study

Outreach youth work Satellite (Etsivä nuorisotyö Satelliitti) seeks out and helps young people of 15–29 years of age, who are not at work or studying.

Outreach youth work Satellite

Tel. 040 135 6919

Link redirects to another websiteSatelliitti outreach youth work

Higher education

The closest university to Pyhäjoki is the University of Oulu. Oulu University of Applied Sciences also has a unit in Oulainen.

Studying in Finnish is free of charge. Degree programmes in English are subject to tuition fees. You can apply for a scholarship for these fees. Many university studies can be completed at least partially online.

The closest unit of the Summer University of Northern Ostrobothnia is in Raahe. There, you can complete open university and open university of applied sciences courses. They are subject to a fee, but they are actual university studies. The studies are available to all. Credits obtained at an open university or open university of applied sciences will count towards a degree if you later become a degree student.

If you are thinking about getting a higher education degree you have obtained abroad recognised or completing a new degree in Finland, please contact SIMHE services. The closest SIMHE office is at the Oulu University of Applied Sciences.

The Raahe office of the Summer University of Northern Ostrobothnia, street address: Rantakatu 5 D, 1st floor, 92100 Raahe

Link redirects to another websiteOulu University of Applied Sciences

Oulu University of Applied Sciences

Link redirects to another websiteUniversity of Oulu

University of Oulu

Link redirects to another websiteSummer University of Northern Ostrobothnia

Summer University of Northern Ostrobothnia

Link redirects to another websiteFinnish National Agency for Education

SIMHE services at higher education institutions

Read more: Universities of applied sciences and Universities.

Other study opportunities

In Pyhäjoki, you can take Raahe Adult Education Centre courses in languages, music and crafts and participate in sports and exercise classes.

Courses are fee-based and are organised during the day and in the evenings. These courses are open to all. For more information, see the Raahe Adult Education Centre website.

Ylivieska Music Institute offers teaching in various instruments in Pyhäjoki. Teaching takes place in various locations in downtown Pyhäjoki. You may have to travel to Kalajoki or Ylivieska to learn some instruments.

Admission to the Music Institute is based on an entrance exam. Entrance exams are arranged in the spring and are announced in the local press in March.

Pyhäjoki also has Music Playgroups (musiikkileikkikouluryhmä, "muskari"). Children can be registered for these groups via the website of the Music Institute. See the Music College website for further details.

The fibre-optic network enables even intensive distance learning.


Link redirects to another websiteRaahe Adult Education Centre

Raahe Adult Education Centre

Link redirects to another websiteTown of Ylivieska

Ylivieska Music Institute

Link redirects to another websitePyhäKuitu


Read more: Studying as a hobby