Services for disabled persons
Disability services are provided by wellbeing services counties. You are entitled to public services if you have a municipality of residence in Finland.
You can find more information about the right to a municipality of residence on the InfoFinland page Municipality of residence in Finland.
Hilma, the Support Centre for Disabled Immigrants
Disabled immigrant's service guideLink redirects to another websiteNational Institute for Health and Welfare
Handbook of Disability ServicesLink redirects to another websiteMinistry of Social Affairs and Health
Disability services and auxiliary activitiesLink redirects to another websiteApplying for services
When you apply for services for disabled persons, you usually need a medical certificate. You can visit your health and social services centre (sosiaali- ja terveyskeskus) for a medical examination. Different wellbeing services counties may use different names for health and social services centre, such as terveysasema, terveyskeskus or hyvinvointiasema.
Once you have a medical certificate, contact the services for disabled persons (vammaispalvelut) of your area. They will give you guidance and advice in applying for services.
If you need support and help with housing because of your disability, contact the services for disabled persons in your area. Read more on the InfoFinland page Supported and service housing.
Aids and equipment
If you need aids and equipment to cope with everyday life due to your disability, you can get them as medical rehabilitation. In that case, you do not need to pay for the aids and equipment. Such free-of-charge aids include wheelchairs, hearing aids, white canes and guide dogs.
If you need alteration work in your home or some disability equipment has to be installed there, you may be reimbursed for them. For example, your home can be changed in such a way that it is possible to get about in a wheelchair. Fixed disability equipment includes various types of hoisting equipment and a fire alarm and doorbell for hearing-impaired persons, that alert by using light instead of sound. A social worker of your municipality’s services for disabled persons will estimate together with you whether your home needs alteration work.
Kela may pay for aids and equipment that are required for working and studying. You may be provided with aids and equipment if you cannot manage work or studying without certain aids or equipment or if studying without them would be very difficult. More information is available on Kela’s website.
The Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Kela
Aids for work and studyLink redirects to another websiteGetting about
If you cannot use public transport because of your disability, you may be entitled to transport service. If necessary, this also includes the services of an escort who helps you to travel. The transport services and escort are available for journeys involving work, study or leisure. You can apply for transport services through the services for disabled persons in your area. You will pay at maximum a public transport-based charge for the transport service.
You may also be entitled to a discount on public transport ticket prices because of your disability. Ask your local services for disabled persons for more information.
Finnish institute of health and welfare
Transport service and escort serviceLink redirects to another websiteAssistant services
If you require a great deal of help in dealing with your daily life due to your disability, you can be assigned a personal assistant. The assistant can help you, for example, to cook, go to the shop, at your workplace, in studying or hobbies. Your wellbeing services county will pay the assistant’s wages. Apply for assistant services through the services for disabled persons of your area.
Finnish Institute of Health and Welfare
Personal assistanceLink redirects to another websiteInterpreter services
Interpreting for a disabled person is a different matter from interpreting spoken language. You are entitled to use the interpreter services for disabled persons if you have:
- hearing loss, or
- hearing and vision loss, or
- speech impediment
and if you need the help of an interpreter because of your disability
- going to work
- studying after basic studies
- taking care of your affairs
- participation in society
- leisure-time hobbies or recreation.
You can apply for interpreter services for disabled persons from Kela.
If you do not understand Finnish nor Finnish or Finland-Swedish sign language, you may also need another interpreter. Interpreters of sign languages or for speech-impaired persons may not necessarily know the communication methods used in other countries, such as different sign languages. Kela will not arrange another interpreter.
If you need another interpreter, read more on page Do you need an interpreter?
Always remember to ensure the need for an interpreter when dealing with the authorities. The responsibility for arranging an interpreter belongs to the authority you are dealing with. If you are invited to a health clinic, don’t forget to inform the interpreter of your needs in advance. If you visit the emergency clinic or doctor on your own initiative, you can book an interpreter from Kela.
The Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Kela
Interpreter services for the disabledLink redirects to another websiteRehabilitation for persons with severe disabilities
If you have a severe disability or illness and are younger than 65, Kela can arrange medical rehabilitation for persons with severe disabilities for you and reimburse some of its costs. You can receive rehabilitation if you have a disability or illness that causes major difficulties in your everyday life at home, at work or with your studies.
You can receive medical rehabilitation in a rehabilitation centre or as outpatient therapy, during which you live at home and attend rehabilitation. The aim is to help you manage better in your everyday life.
A child with a severe disability may also be eligible for medical rehabilitation for persons with severe disabilities.
You need a rehabilitation plan for medical rehabilitation for persons with severe disabilities. Contact your local health centre.
The Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Kela
Intensive Medical RehabilitationLink redirects to another websiteThe Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Kela
Applying for medical rehabilitationLink redirects to another websiteDisabled child at school
A disabled child has the right to go to school in his or her local school. A disabled child may be given special needs teaching if his or her disability makes learning difficult. A child can also have a school assistant (koulunkäyntiavustaja) if necessary.
Kela can pay for expensive and demanding equipment (apuvälineet) that a disabled child needs for school. Such equipment can be given if a child cannot or finds it very difficult to study without them. A child can have such aids at the earliest when he or she is in the seventh grade of comprehensive school.
The Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Kela
Aids for work and studyLink redirects to another websiteLeisure activities for a disabled child
You can find information on different hobbies in your neighbourhood, for example, at the Sports and Culture Department of your municipality. Disability organisations also organise many hobbies and activities. For example, the Finnish Paralympic Committee’s Sporttiklubi organises various sports and exercise events.
Special services for persons with mental disabilities
Special services for persons with mental disabilities include:
- housing services
- care in family surroundings
- care in an institution
- work activities and daytime activities.
Housing services (asumispalvelu) means that persons with mental disabilities can live in an apartment where they can get various kinds of help and support. Read more on the InfoFinland page Supported and service housing.
Care in family surroundings (perhehoito) means that the person’s treatment, education, upbringing and care take place in a private home outside his/her own home. This is a very suitable form of housing for a person with mental disabilities who requires treatment. This can be either a temporary or a more permanent arrangement. Care in family surroundings can also be provided in the home of the person who requires treatment.
If a person with mental disabilities requires care at all times and cannot be given it at home or in a service apartment, he/she can also live in an institution (laitos). Living in an institution can also be temporary.
Municipalities organise work activities (työtoiminta) and daytime activities (päivätoiminta) for disabled persons. Work activities include light work. Daytime activities are intended for severely disabled persons who cannot participate in work activities. They may include cooking, exercise, discussion and excursions.
The Databank for the Care of the Mentally Disabled (Kehitysvammahuollon tietopankki) on the internet contains a great deal of useful information about mental disabilities and services for the disabled. This service is provided in Finnish.