Work and Enterprise in Vantaa
Local information
Select your municipality in order to see information about local services when browsing the site.
Find a job in Vantaa
The Business Finland website lets you view job advertisements in Finland based on your area or field. You can also search for jobs in Vantaa.
If you are unemployed, register as a jobseeker
If you are unemployed and looking for a job, register as a jobseeker immediately on the Työmarkkinatori online service or at a Vantaa Employment Services’ service point. Also register if your employer lays you off, your training ends or your pay-subsidised job ends. You may be eligible for unemployment benefit in certain situations if you have registered as a jobseeker.
Read more on the InfoFinland pages: If you become unemployed and Unemployment benefit.
Vantaa Employment Services
Vantaa Employment Services (Vantaan työllisyyspalvelut) provide you with guidance on job-seeking and information on vacancies and training. If you need advice and support for finding work or Finnish language training, contact the City of Vantaa’s employment services. For more information on city services, please visit the City of Vantaa website.
Vantaa Employment Services Service Point
Vernissakatu 1, 1st floor.
Open: Mon–Fri 9:00–15:00
Tel. 09 8395 0120
Help with finding work
Vantaa Skills Centre (Vantaan osaamiskeskus)
If you live in Vantaa and are wondering what kind of work you might want to do, or you need support with integration, you can get help from the Vantaa Skills Centre (Vantaan osaamiskeskus). There you can get help to determine your skills and receive guidance with studies and working life. You can also improve your Finnish language skills. The Vantaa Skills Centre also offers open courses, training sessions and events. You can find the contact details of the Skills Centre on the website of the City of Vantaa.
Integration Center Monika
Integration Center Monika assists unemployed immigrant women in finding work. You can receive assistance in writing a CV or job application, study everyday Finnish and digital skills.
Luckan Integration
Luckan Integration is a service that offers individual counselling for immigrants and organises events and groups connected to job-seeking, for example. The events are in English.
The work career mentoring of Väestöliitto, the Family Federation of Finland is meant for educated immigrants. You can get a mentor who will support you with looking for a job or study place or starting a business. The activities are in Finnish.
If you are under 30 years old, you can get advice and guidance from the Ohjaamo service. Ohjaamo staff can help you if you do not have a job or study place.
R3 Maahanmuuttajanuorten tuki ry
R3 The immigrant youth support association helps young people with things connected to education and employment. You can find more information on the association’s website.
R3 immigrant youth support association
Support for young immigrantsLink redirects to another websiteThe project for including parents in education and working life
The project for including parents in education and working life takes place in Vantaa and serves the immigrant parents residing in Vantaa. Parents study the Finnish language and mathematics as well as learn about Finnish society, the school system and working life. Parents study part of the week in comprehensive school classes or pre-primary education groups, and part of the week under the guidance of an S2 coach. The themes include the Finnish language, education, working life as well as everyday life and society. Parents can attend together with a young child.
Setting up a business
Leija House is home to, among others, the city’s economic development services, YritysVantaa, Helsinki Region Chamber of Commerce, Varia work life services and Vantaa Entrepreneurs (Vantaan yrittäjät). An appointment is usually required for these services.
If you would like to set up your own business, you can receive help from the Leija Business Service Centre. They can assist in business idea development or business planning. The services are free of charge.
Leija Business Service Centre
Elannontie 3
01510 Vantaa
To read more, go to: Starting a business in Finland.
The Business Vantaa network can help if you want to start a business in Vantaa, acquire training, recruit manpower, go international or find new contacts. The services are free of charge.
If you own a business in Vantaa, you can become a member of the Vantaan Yrittäjät association. Vantaan Yrittäjät ry is a lobbying organisation for entrepreneurs, which provides its members with training and advice, among other services. You can find more information on the organisation’s website.
Business Helsinki offers personal business startup counselling, organises information events and provides entrepreneur coaching in many languages in Helsinki.
The customer service of the Metropolitan Area tax office is in Helsinki city centre.
Contact information:
Hämeentie 15
00500 Helsinki
Immigrants can also use the International House Helsinki service point. At the service point, experts from Kela and the Tax Administration provide guidance for immigrants coming to work in Finland in matters concerning taxation and social security.
Contact information of the International House Helsinki service point:
International House Helsinki
Lintulahdenkuja 2
00530 Helsinki
Read more: Taxation.