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Asettuminen Vantaalle

Settling in Vantaa

Vantaa has various services to help with integration. Vantaa Info service points provide information about the services of the City of Vantaa and the state. You can get advice and guidance from Vantaa-based associations in many different languages. Information points are located throughout the city.

Local information

Select your municipality in order to see information about local services when browsing the site.

Services that facilitate integration

Vantaa multilingual guidance

Vantaa multilingual guidance offers information on the services of the City of Vantaa as well as various authorities and organisations. Multilingual advisors are available in Vantaa Infos in Myyrmäki and Tikkurila as well as at International House Helsinki. The service languages are Finnish, Swedish, English, Estonian, Russian, Somali, Dari, Farsi, Arabic and Kurdish. Telephone interpreting is also available.

 Advice is available on the following matters:

  • integration into Vantaa, for example accommodation, work, study, hobbies and services for families with children;
  • questions regarding immigration such as permits and registration;
  • help with filling in forms and dealing with the authorities.

Advisers will help you or guide you to the correct service. Consultation times and contact information can be found on the City of Vantaa website.

Social services promoting integration

In Vantaa, the social services unit promoting integration gives advice on integration, health and social services and the services provided by the city and organisations. If necessary, you can get information on applications for Kela benefits, emergency housing and food aid, for example.

You can become a client if you have just received a residence permit and moved to Vantaa. You can also become a client if you are a refugee, victim of human trafficking, older person, person with disabilities, have a chronic disease, or have the right to an initial assessment.

Social services promoting integration in Vantaa (Kotoutumista tukevat sosiaalipalvelut Vantaalla)
Vernissakatu 6, 2nd floor
01300 Vantaa
tel. +358 9 4191 7030

Link redirects to another websiteWellbeing services county of Vantaa and Kerava

Social services promoting integration in Vantaa

Vantaa Info

Vantaa Infos provide infomation about the services of the City of Vantaa and the state. Vantaa Infos are located in Tikkurila, Korso and Myyrmäki. Vantaa Info addresses:

Vantaa Info, Tikkurila
Dixi, Ratatie 11, 2nd floor
01300 Vantaa
E-mail: (Link opens default mail program)
Tel. 09 83911

Vantaa Info, Korso
LUMO, Urpiaisentie 14
01450 Vantaa
E-mail: (Link opens default mail program)
Tel. 09 83911

Vantaa Info, Myyrmäki
Myyrmäkitalo, Paalutori 3
01600 Vantaa
E-mail: (Link opens default mail program)
Tel. 09 83911

Additional information and opening hours are listed on the website of the City of Vantaa.

Link redirects to another websiteCity of Vantaa

Vantaa Info

Hakunilan kansainvälinen yhdistys

The information and help desk of the Hakunila International Organisation (Hakunilan kansainvälinen yhdistys) provides information to immigrants living in Hakunila, Koivukylä and other Vantaa districts on matters regarding studies, language courses, work, recreational activities, crisis situations and legal affairs.

Hakunilan kansainvälinen yhdistys
Kannuskuja 2A, 3rd floor (Hakunila)
01200 Vantaa
E-mail: (Link opens default mail program)
Tel. (09) 272 2775 and 040 501 3199.

Link redirects to another websiteHakunila International Organisation

Advice for immigrants

Vantaan Järjestörinki

At the Vantaan Järjestörinki association’s immigrant information point (Vantaan Järjestörinki ry:n Maahanmuuttajien neuvontapiste), you can ask about matters related to working, social security, health, education and residence permits. Address:

Kansalaistoiminnankeskus Leinikki
Leinikkitie 22
01350 Vantaa

Asukastila Myyrinki
Liesitori 1 tai Vaskivuorentie 10 B, 3rd floor
01600 Vantaa
Tel. (09) 839 35703 and 040 183 0930
E-mail: (Link opens default mail program)

Nettikahvila Kafnetti
Rautkallionkatu 3
01360 Vantaa
Tel. 045 134 1711

Link redirects to another websiteVantaan Järjestörinki

Advice for immigrants

International House Helsinki

If you have recently moved into the Helsinki metropolitan area, you can receive guidance and public services in one place at International House Helsinki (IHH).

Initial assessment

Initial assessment (alkukartoitus) helps you find suitable services in your home city. 

You have the right to get an initial assessment, if

  • Vantaa is your municipality of residence
  • you moved to Vantaa from abroad or elsewhere in Finland
  • you have not received an initial assessment before
  • you have had a municipality of residence in Finland for no more than three years.

During the initial assessment, you receive information about studying Finnish or Swedish, looking for work, education and services in Vantaa. The initial assessment can be done with an interpreter, if needed. The initial assessment is free of charge.

Asking for an initial assessment

You can request an initial assessment electronically using the online form on the City of Vantaa website. You will then be contacted by an integration specialist. You can get more information from the Vantaa Skills Centre:

Email: (Link opens default mail program)
Phone: +358 9 8395 0140

Read more about the initial assessment and integration plan on the InfoFinland page Integration into Finland.

Link redirects to another websiteCity of Vantaa

Preliminary assessment

Do you need an interpreter?

If you need to deal with authorities and you do not speak Finnish or Swedish and have no other common language with the authority, you can use interpreting services. Always notify the authority in question beforehand if you need an interpreter. The authority will book the interpreter without any cost to you.

If you pay the costs and book an interpreter yourself, you can use an interpreter whenever you want.

Read more: Do you need an interpreter?

Link redirects to another websiteThe Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters

Search for an interpreter or a translator

Financial problems

Social counselling

Contact the Wellbeing Services County of Vantaa and Kerava’s Social Counselling (Vantaan ja Keravan hyvinvointialueen sosiaalineuvonta)  Verso, if you need help with matters related to everyday challenges, such as housing, livelihood and social well-being. Social counselling allows you to discuss your situation with a social work professional at a low threshold.

Social Counselling, Verso
Vernissakatu 8 C
01300 Vantaa
tel. 09 4191 7010

Social assistance

If your income and means are not sufficient to cover your necessary everyday expenses (e.g. food and medicine), you may be entitled to basic social assistance. You can apply for basic social assistance from Kela.

However, you first need a valid Kela decision on basic income support.

For more information on applying for benefits and related matters, contact Social Counselling Verso in Vantaa. Tel. 09 4191 7010.

Financial and debt counselling

If you have problems with debts, contact the Legal Aid Office’s financial and debt counselling unit (oikeusaputoimiston talous- ja velkaneuvonta). The service is free of charge.

Itä-Uusimaa Legal Aid Office
Financial and debt counselling
Vernissakatu 4, 6th floor
Tel. 029 56 60175, Mon–Fri 8:00–16:15.

Read more: Financial problems.

Link redirects to another websiteWellbeing services county of Vantaa and Kerava

Social Counselling, Verso

Link redirects to another websiteWellbeing services county of Vantaa and Kerava

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