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Vapaa-aika Vantaalla

Leisure in Vantaa

Vantaa offers activities for people of all ages. The city has several cultural centres, libraries, indoor swimming pools and venues for various sports. Vantaa also organises club activities and diverse events.

Local information

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Vantaa Adult Education Centre (Vantaan Aikuisopisto) provides opportunities for arts, crafts, cooking and dance, for instance. You can also study languages there.

There are two cultural facilities in Vantaa: Martinus Concert Hall and the multipurpose centre Myyrmäki House. In addition, Multipurpose Centre LUMO organises a wealth of events.

The Vernissa cultural centre for children and young people, the Pessi children’s art centre and the Toteemi children’s art centre hold cultural events for children.

Read more: Leisure.

Link redirects to another websiteAdult education institutes in Helsinki, Espoo and Vantaa

Course search service

Link redirects to another websiteCity of Vantaa

Cultural events

Link redirects to another websiteMartinus Concert Hall


Link redirects to another websiteMultipurpose Centre Lumo


Link redirects to another websiteVernissa cultural centre for children and young people

Cultural events for children

Link redirects to another websitePessi children's art centre

Cultural events for children

Link redirects to another websiteToteemi children's art centre

Cultural events for children


Vantaa has more than ten libraries and two mobile libraries. At the library, you can borrow books, newspapers, magazines, music, films, games and much more. There are books and other materials in several languages. You can also use computers at libraries. Some libraries also organise Finnish discussion groups for people who have moved to Finland.

Vantaa’s libraries are part of the HelMet library service of the metropolitan area. This means that you can use the same library card at the city libraries of Vantaa, Espoo, Kaunianen and Helsinki.

The main library of Helsinki in Pasila is a Multilingual Library. It features books in over 60 languages. If you have a HelMet library card, you can also borrow books from the Multilingual Library.

Read more: Libraries.

Sports and exercise

There are five municipal indoor swimming pools in Vantaa. In the indoor swimming pools, you can engage in various water sports. In addition to swimming and aquajogging, you can take part in water aerobics, for example.

Vantaa has several sports halls and fields, as well as other locations and facilities for various sports. On the exercise tracks, you can run in the summer and ski in the winter.

Recreation in nature

Vantaa has a lot of hiking paths and nature trails. You can enjoy nature at, for example, the Petikko recreational area. The Kuusijärvi outdoor recreation area also provides access to the trail of the Sipoonkorpi National Park.

Link redirects to another websiteCity of Vantaa

Sports and outdoor locations

Link redirects to another websitePetikko recreation area

Recreational areas


You can fish in the fishing areas of the city of Vantaa on the Vantaanjoki and Keravanjoki rivers and on the Gulf of Finland.

Link redirects to another websiteThe Federation of Finnish Fisheries Associations

Guide to fishing in Finland

Read more: Recreation in nature.

Theatre and cinema

Vantaa has several professional and amateur theatres. The Tikkurila Theatre and Circus School, which offers basic art education, also operates at a theatre. Visit the theatres’ websites for more information and versatile repertoire.

There are three cinemas in Vantaa. Visit the cinemas’ websites for information on the films that are shown currently. In addition, the City of Vantaa organises film screenings.

Read more: Things to do in Finland.


There are several museums in Vantaa. The City Museum presents the history of Vantaa. Vantaa Art Museum hosts varying exhibitions of domestic and foreign contemporary art.

Information on other museums is available on the City of Vantaa website.

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City Museum

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Art Museum

Hobbies for children and young people

Vantaa is home to many educational institutes that provide basic art education to children and young people. The various forms of art covered include music, visual arts, dance, theatre circus, literary arts, crafts and architecture.

The city’s youth facilities are open to all young people between 10 and 17 years of age.

The Sports for Everyone project (Sporttia kaikille -hanke) organises sports clubs, tournaments and camps for children and young people with immigrant background.

Associations and sports clubs organise plenty of activities for young people.

More information is provided on the website of the City of Vantaa.

Read more: Hobbies for children and young people.

Hobbies for the elderly

For senior citizens in Vantaa, there is a variety of physical exercise activities offered in different locations in Vantaa. You can find information about physical exercise courses and how to register on the City of Vantaa website. 

Counselling for senior citizens (seniorineuvonta) provides information about the activities and services for senior citizens offered by associations, companies and the city.

Link redirects to another websiteWellbeing services county of Vantaa and Kerava

Guidance for elderly citizens


A variety of associations focusing on areas such as culture and sports operate in Vantaa. These associations organise a variety of club and hobby activities, excursions and different events. More information is provided on the website of the City of Vantaa.

Read more: Associations.

Link redirects to another websiteCity of Vantaa

Cultural associations

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Sports associations