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Terveys Vantaalla

Health in Vantaa

In Vantaa, you can receive public health services at the health centre, maternity and child health clinic, hospital and dental clinic. Private health services are also available throughout the city.

Local information

Select your municipality in order to see information about local services when browsing the site.

Health services in Vantaa

The general emergency number is 112. Only call the emergency number in case of an emergency, such as a stroke.

If your municipality of residence is Vantaa, you can use the services of the Wellbeing Services County of Vantaa and Kerava. These services include the health centres, dental clinics, maternity and child health clinics and hospitals. If you fall ill suddenly or are hurt in an accident, you will be given emergency treatment even if Vantaa is not your municipality of residence.

If you are not entitled to use public health services, you can make an appointment at a private clinic.

To read more, go to: Health services in Finland.

Public health services

Vantaa has seven health centres, which offer public health services. The health centres have doctor’s, nurse’s and public health nurse’s practices.

The health centres are open on weekdays at 8 am–4 pm.

If your condition is sudden or you need urgent care, you can call your own health centre’s number. 

You can find the telephone numbers of health centres on the website of the Wellbeing Services County of Vantaa and Kerava.

Health counselling outside office hours: Emergency care 116 117

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Health stations

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Information about health counselling

Private health services

There are several private clinics in Vantaa that offer private health services. You can go to a private clinic even if you do not have the right to use public health services in Finland.

However, at private clinics you have to pay the costs yourself. In some cases, Kela may compensate a small part of private medical costs.

To read more, go to: Health services in Finland.


You can learn more about buying medication on the InfoFinland page Medication.

Link redirects to another websiteAssociation of Finnish Pharmacies

Contact information for pharmacies

Health care of undocumented persons

If you fall ill or get injured, you are entitled to urgent and necessary medical care in public health care, for example at a health centre (terveysasema) or hospital (sairaala).

In Vantaa, the social services unit promoting integration provides the necessary social services for undocumented migrants. If you need health services or social services, please contact us by phone or come to see us.

Social services promoting integration in Vantaa (Kotoutumista tukevat sosiaalipalvelut Vantaalla)
Vernissakatu 6, 2nd floor
01300 Vantaa
tel. +358 9 4191 7030

Global Clinic provides undocumented migrants with health-related advice, tel. 044 977 45 47.

Emergency health centre

Health centres are closed in the evenings and on weekends and holidays. If you fall ill or are injured suddenly and cannot wait for the health centre to open, contact the emergency clinic.

In Vantaa, the emergency health centre is at Peijas Hospital. Address:

Peijaksen yhteispäivystys
Sairaalakatu 1
01400 Vantaa
tel. 116 117

If you fall ill suddenly, you can also go to other emergency health centre units in the Helsinki Metropolitan Area. You can find more information about the emergency health centre units on the website of the Wellbeing Services County of Vantaa and Kerava.

In emergencies, call the emergency number 112.

To read more, go to: Health services in Finland

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Emergency health centres

Children’s health

Maternity and child health clinics (neuvola) help with the health care of children under the school age.

The telephone number of the maternity and child health clinics of the Wellbeing Services County of Vantaa Kerava is 09 4191 5100. You can make an appointment for the clinic or ask for advice in matters connected to your child’s health.

School health care looks after the health of school-age children. You can find more information on the website of the Wellbeing Services County of Vantaa and Kerava.

When a child suddenly falls ill, contact a health centre. Health centres are open Mon–Fri at 8 am–4 pm.

When health centres are closed, contact the emergency clinic at the Children’s Hospital. The emergency clinic only treats children who are in need of urgent medical assistance.

The telephone number of the emergency clinic is 116 117.


Children’s Hospital
Stenbäckinkatu 9

You can also take your children to a private medical centre. There are numerous private clinics that treat children in Vantaa.

Read more: Children’s health

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Child health clinics

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Appointment booking and advice

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Information about school health care

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Health stations

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Emergency health centres

Dental care

Public dental care

There are six different numbers for making appointments for dental care in Vantaa. Choose the right service number from the following options based on your situation:

Pain and first aid (emergency treatment): 09 4191 2010
Cancellations (round-the-clock, with the option to cancel via voice message): 09 4191 2020
Orthodontics (rescheduling and cancellations): 09 4191 2030
East (Tikkurila, Hakunila and Länsimäki): 09 4191 2060
West (Myyrmäki, Martinlaakso and Kartanonkoski): 09 4191 2070
North (Koivukylä, Korso and Kerava): 09 4191 2050

If your matter is not urgent, call after 10 am. If you urgently need dental care, call the appointment number as soon as it opens at 7:30 am.

The urgent care clinic is at Tikkurila Health Centre Mon–Fri at 8 am–2 pm.

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Information about dental care

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Dental clinics

Emergency dental care

In the evenings and at weekends, emergency dental care (hammashoidon päivystys) serves at the Park Hospital in the grounds of Meilahti Hospital in Helsinki. Please call the emergency clinic in advance.

The phone number is 09 471 71110. Appointment booking is open weekdays at 2–9 pm and weekends at 8 am–9 pm.

Night-time emergency dental care (hammashoidon yöpäivystys) is provided at Töölö Hospital’s emergency department. 

Night-time emergency dental care, 9 pm–8 am
Töölö Hospital Emergency Department, Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Emergency Department
Please call before going to emergency services. Tel. 116 117.

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Emergency dental care services in the evening and at weekends

Children’s dental care

You can get information about the dental care of children under the school age at the child health clinic (lastenneuvola) and (dental clinics) hammashoitola. Children under the age of 17 years are invited to the dental clinic for a dental examination approximately once every two years.

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Child health clinics

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Information about dental care for school-age children

Private dental care

There are also private dentists in Vantaa. If you are not entitled to use public health services, you can go to a private dentist.

However, at private dentists you have to pay the costs yourself. In some cases, Kela may compensate a small part of private dental care costs.

Read more: Dental care.

Mental health

If you need mental help and support, contact your health centre (terveysasema). The health centre treats the most common mental health problems. The health centre can refer you to a psychiatric nurse specialised in depression, for example.

Telephone service of the mental health services in Vantaa (Vantaan mielenterveyspalvelut): 09 4191 1100

If the health centre is not open and the situation is urgent, please contact the Peijas Hospital’s joint emergency unit (Peijaksen sairaalan yhteispäivystys).

Peijaksen yhteispäivystys
Sairaalakatu 1
01400 Vantaa
tel. 116 117

If you need immediate crisis help, you can also call the Social and Crisis Emergency Services. It is open 24/7.

Social and Crisis Emergency Services 
tel. 09 4191 5800

Read more: Mental health.

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Information about mental health services

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Health stations

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Emergency health centres

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Social and Crisis Emergency Centre

Sexual health and contraception

If you need contraception or an abortion, or you suspect that you have a sexually transmitted disease, you can contact a contraception clinic. Appointments can be made by telephone. You can find the telephone numbers of contraception clinics on the website of the Wellbeing Services County of Vantaa and Kerava.

If you have a sexually transmitted disease, you can also go to the Venereal Diseases Outpatient Clinic in Helsinki or to a health centre.

Vantaa offers free contraception for persons under 20 years old. Persons under 24 years old can also get free contraception if they use long-term contraceptives, such as an intra-uterine device or a contraceptive implant.

To read more, go to: Sexual health and contraception.

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Contraception clinic

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Health stations

Link redirects to another websiteHUS Helsinki University Hospital

Sexually transmitted disease clinic

Pregnancy and childbirth

The maternity health clinic (äitiysneuvola) monitors the health of the mother, the baby and the whole family during pregnancy. Contact a clinic when you notice that you are pregnant.

Maternity and child health clinics telephone service
09 4191 5100

You can call the clinics’ telephone service to make an appointment and to ask a public health nurse questions about pregnancy or childbirth.

The maternity hospitals in the Helsinki region are the Women’s Hospital (Naistenklinikka) in Helsinki and the Espoo Hospital (Espoon sairaala). Their contact information can be found on the website of the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (Helsingin ja Uudenmaan sairaanhoitopiiri), HUS.

To read more, go to: Pregnancy and childbirth and When a child is born in Finland.

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Child health clinics

Link redirects to another websiteHUS Helsinki University Hospital


Link redirects to another websiteHUS Helsinki University Hospital

On-call services at maternity hospitals

Disabled persons

You may use disability services if you or someone close to you has a disability or illness that causes special long-term difficulties in coping at home and in life outside home.

Disability services include personal assistance, service housing, transport service and home alteration work.

Contact counselling for the disabled for the examination of the need for support, guidance and services in your situation.

Counselling for people with disabilities (Vammaisneuvonta)
Rajatorpantie 8 A
01600 Vantaa
Tel.: 09 4191 7020
email: (Link opens default mail program)

Read more: Disabled persons.

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Information about disability services

Intoxicant abuse and gambling addiction

If you have problems with alcohol or drugs, you can seek help from health centres (terveysasema), social service centres (sosiaaliasema) or substance abuse outpatient clinics. You can call the guidance and appointment booking services of the Wellbeing Services County of Vantaa and Kerava on 09 4191 1100. In matters related to a gambling addiction, you can call the same number.

Tikkurila Substance Abuse Outpatient Clinic
Kielotie 20 C, 2nd floor
01300 Vantaa
tel. 09 4191 1101

Martinlaakso Substance Abuse Outpatient Clinic
Laajaniityntie 3, 5th floor
01620 Vantaa
tel. 09 8393 5534

Myyrmäki Substance Abuse Outpatient Clinic, Drug Treatment Clinic
Liesikuja 7 B, 2nd floor
01600 Vantaa
tel. 0400 412 699

You can apply to Myyrmäki Substance Abuse Outpatient Clinic via Martinlaakso or Tikkurila Substance Abuse Outpatient Clinic.

If you have a gambling problem, you can seek help at the Gambling Clinic (Peliklinikka), which is located in Helsinki city centre.

Siltasaarenkatu 12 A, 6th floor
00530 Helsinki
tel. 0800 100 101, Mon–Fri 12:00–18:00

Mental health and substance abuse services for young people

Young people aged 13–21 in Vantaa can get help with problems related to mood, substance abuse or excessive gaming from the local school’s student welfare services or family counselling services. Young people or their parents can call the family counselling services and ask for discussion support. You can find the contact information on the website of the Wellbeing Services County of Vantaa and Kerava (Vantaan ja Keravan hyvinvointialueen verkkosivut).

Read more: Substance dependence.

Link redirects to another websiteGambling Clinic

Help for gambling problems

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Help for young people