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Asuminen Vaasassa

Housing in Vaasa


Vaasa offers a wide range of housing opportunities, from renting to buying your apartment or house.

Local information

Select your municipality in order to see information about local services when browsing the site.

Rental apartments

You can rent apartments from private homeowners or through estate agents. You can find a list of rental apartment providers in Vaasa in this link:

Student apartments VOAS

If you are a student, you can apply for rental apartments that are specifically for students. Student housing in Vaasa is rented by VOAS - Vaasa Student Housing Foundation (VOAS – Vaasan opiskelija-asuntosäätiö). Fill in the electronic application on the website.


One of the largest providers of rental apartments in Vaasa is Kiinteistö Oy Pikipruukki. You can apply for vacant apartments at Pikipruukki by filling in the application form. The housing application can be filled in electronically on the company’s website or at their office.

Link redirects to another websiteKiinteistö Oy Pikipruukki

Rental Apartments in Vaasa

Read more: Rental apartments.

Buying an apartment or a house

Right-of-occupancy home

A right-of-occupancy home is a home for which you first pay a right-of-occupancy payment. You will also pay a certain amount for housing each month as a charge for use (käyttövastike). The right-of-occupancy payment is approximately 15 per cent of the price of the home.

 Reed more: Housing in Finland

Link redirects to another websiteOy Vaasan Asumisoikeus

Right-of-occupancy home

For information on homes for sale, see real estate agencies, local newspapers, and internet housing sites. Buying your own apartment or house is expensive, but in time living in your own apartment can be cheaper than living in rental accommodation. Apartment prices vary a lot depending on the location and type of building. Banks and other financial institutions can grant mortgages to individuals to purchase their own home.

In Vaasa, you can also buy a plot of land and build a house. Information about permits and regulations is available on the City of Vaasa website.

Link redirects to another websiteCity of Vaasa


Read more: Buying a home

Housing benefits

If you are on a low income and your income is not enough to cover your housing costs, you may be entitled to a housing allowance. You can apply for a housing allowance from Kela. You can also apply for the housing allowance online.

Kela Vaasa

Tammipiha, Pitkäkatu 28-30

65100 Vaasa

You can find information on housing allowance on the InfoFinland page Housing allowance

Waste management and recycling

You should sort your household waste. The waste containers outside your home are for household waste only. Hazardous waste, such as chemicals or batteries, must not be placed in waste containers. Waste that cannot to be put in these waste containers of your home can be taken to an ecopoint(recycling point). Sort biowaste, glass, metal, cardboard and paper separately into the correct waste containers.

Solid waste or rubbish must not be thrown down the toilet or drain.

You can find your nearest ecopoint, by searching the Stormossen Oy website. Stormossen Oy is the company in charge of waste management in the Vaasa area.

Read more: Waste and recycling

Living in a crisis situation

There is a crisis team in Vaasa that you can contact if you have experienced something traumatic. The team is on call every day between 8am and 4pm (8-16). However, you can call the number 040 550 1990 any time of the day, leave a message, and ask them to call you back.

Domestic violence

If a member of your family uses violence towards you, or threatens you with violence, you can go to a shelter (turvakoti). You can call the shelter and go there any time of the day.

Pohjanmaan turvakoti in Vaasa:

Varastokatu 12

65100 Vaasa

TEL 06 312 9666 (24h)

Link redirects to another websiteVaasan Ensi- Ja Turvakoti ry

Vaasa Emergency Shelter

Read more: Housing problems

Homelessness or temporary housing

If your home has been damaged, for example due to fire or water damage, home insurance can, in some cases, cover the extra cost of living. Contact your insurance company as soon as the damage has occurred.

In some cases, you can receive help from the social services office: Contact social services 24 hours a day, tel. 06 218 9555.

Link redirects to another websiteThe Wellbeing Services County of Ostrobothnia

Social and Crisis Emergency Service