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Housing allowance

If your income is low and you live permanently in Finland, you may be entitled to Kela housing allowance. You can apply for support for rent and for water charges and heating costs, for example.

Living in Finland permanently means that you have an actual home in Finland and that you mainly live in Finland. In order to receive housing allowance, you must also have a right to Kela benefits.

More information is available on InfoFinland webpage Finnish social security.

Kela’s housing-related benefits include:

  • general housing allowance
  • housing allowance for pensioners
  • housing assistance for conscripts and civil service men

Usually, you can only receive one type of housing allowance at a time.

You may also be entitled to other Kela benefits. If all your income and resources and the allowances granted to you do not cover your expenses, you can apply for income support from Kela.

Read more about income support on InfoFinland page Financial problems.

Kela’s general housing allowance

The allowance is available either for an individual person or a household (ruokakunta). People permanently living in the same dwelling belong to the same household. Normally, a household refers to a married couple, an unmarried couple living together or a family. A single person may also constitute a household. Housing allowance is granted to a household jointly, based on a single application.

Take into consideration that if you live with a friend, for example, and you have a joint tenancy agreement, you will be considered as belonging to the same household. If, on the other hand, you live at the same address with another person and you both have your own separate tenancy agreements, you must explain in your application whether you are in a common-law relationship or not. Do the same if you have a sublet.

General housing allowance is available to

  • families with children
  • students
  • married couples and those in registered partnership
  • unmarried couples living together
  • those living alone or
  • those living in a community

The assets of your household affect how much housing benefit you can get. Assets include, for example, deposits in a bank.

What kinds of housing costs are accepted?

Housing allowance can be granted for a permanent dwelling located in Finland. The law stipulates which housing costs can be accepted when calculating housing allowance. The dwelling can be

  • a rental dwelling,
  • a right-of-occupancy dwelling, or
  • a shared-ownership dwelling.

You can receive support for rent, water charges and heating costs, for example. 

Housing allowance is granted for reasonable housing costs. In big towns, higher housing costs are accepted than in smaller ones.

Kela will not pay for all housing costs

You need to pay part of your housing costs yourself. A so-called basic deductible (perusomavastuu) is determined for this purpose. The amount of the basic deductible depends on

  • the number of adults and children belonging to the household
  • the combined gross income in the household (income before taxes)

With very low incomes, no basic deductible needs to be paid.

Housing costs have an upper limit, i.e. the maximum amount of housing costs in euros, on the basis of which you can receive the housing allowance. This amount is called the maximum housing costs (enimmäisasumismenot). They are affected by:

  • the municipality in which the housing is located
  • the number of adults and children in the household.

If your home is more expensive than the limit specified in the Housing Allowance Act, you will have to pay a greater share of your housing costs.

The general housing allowance is 70% of the eligible housing costs, after deducting the basic deductible. If you spend less money on housing than the eligible housing costs, the allowance amount is calculated on the basis of actual expenditure.

Notify Kela of changes

If there are changes to your income, living arrangement, family situation or other circumstances, notify Kela about these changes without delay. Kela’s decision provides detailed information on which changes to notify.

How to apply for housing allowance

Apply for general housing allowance in the OmaKela service.

You also need to enclose

  • a copy of your tenancy agreement and a document showing the amount of your rent
  • the form Notification of Moving to Finland Y 77 (Ilmoitus Suomeen muutosta Y 77) if you are applying for general housing allowance for the first time after moving to Finland and Kela has not yet established whether you or a member of your household is entitled to Kela benefits
  • the form Authorisation for communal households AT 5 (Yhteisöruokakunnan valtuutus AT 5) if you live in a commune.

You can scan the attachments or take a clear photo of them, for example with your phone.

In the application, report the gross income, that is, the income before tax, of all members of the household.

You can also send the application to a Kela office. In that case, use the form General housing allowance AT 1 (Yleinen asumistuki AT 1). Send the application and attachments to the following address: Kela, PO Box 10, 00056 KELA. 

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