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Terveys Helsingissä

Health in Helsinki

Helsinki has a wide range of public and private health services. If Helsinki is your municipality of residence, you already have your own reliable health centre based on your address.

Local information

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Health Services in Helsinki

In urgent matters, call the emergency number 112. Call the emergency number in the event of serious accident or if someone is having a seizure, for example. Do not call the emergency number for non-urgent matters.

If your municipality of residence is Helsinki, you are entitled to use public health services. Public health services are provided by health stations, dental clinics, maternity and child health clinics and hospitals.

If you are not entitled to use public health care services, you can seek help at a private medical clinic. At private clinics, you will have to pay all the expenses yourself.

Health centres

Public health services are provided by health stations (terveysasema). Health stations are open on weekdays from 8.00 to 16.00.

You can assess your need for treatment and get treatment instructions in the Omaolo service. You can also ask for advice in the health stations’ chat service or by calling the telephone health service at 09 310 10023. You can make the call in Finnish, Swedish or English.

You can make an appointment through the Omaolo service or by calling your own health centre. If you require treatment the same day please contact the health station as soon as it opens in the morning.

When you contact a health station, a nurse will first assess your situation. On the basis of the assessment you will be referred to a doctor, a public health nurse or a nurse.

The contact information for health stations is available on the website of the City of Helsinki.

Private health services

There are several private clinics in Helsinki. You can go to a private clinic even if you do not have the right to use public health services in Finland.

However, at private clinics you have to pay the costs yourself. In some cases, Kela may compensate a small part of private medical costs.

Read more: Health services in Finland.


Information on buying medication is available on InfoFinland page Medication..

Health care for undocumented migrants

If you do not have a residence permit in Finland or have received a negative decision on an asylum application, you have the right to receive urgent and necessary treatment in public healthcare. Anyone under the age of 18 and pregnant women are entitled to receive the same health services as other residents in Helsinki.

If you need health care services or social services, please contact the Kalasatama Health and Well-being Centre.

Kalasatama Health and Well-being Centre
Työpajankatu 14 A
Helpline for undocumented persons: 09 310 53914, Mon–Fri at 12.30–13.30

Helsinki’s Global Clinic provides health-related advice for undocumented persons:

Tel. 044 977 4547
Email: (Link opens default mail program)

Emergency services

Health centres are closed in the evenings and on weekends and holidays. At these times, acute cases and accidents are treated at emergency clinics (päivystys).

If you need urgent treatment, evaluate your symptoms in the Omaolo service. You will receive instructions on how to proceed.

If you cannot use Omaolo and the health centres are closed, call the Medical Helpline (Päivystysapu) at 116 117. The call is free-of-charge. They will advise you on the phone on what to do.

Emergency services for adults are provided at the Malmi and Meilahti emergency departments. There is an emergency clinic for children under 16 years of age at the New Children’s Hospital (Uusi lastensairaala).

If you need urgent specialised medical care, first seek a referral from a doctor or call the Medical Helpline. You can then go to Malmi and Meilahti hospitals around the clock or take your child (under 16 years of age) to New Children’s Hospital.

Medical Helpline
Tel. 116 117

Malmi Emergency Department
Street address: Talvelantie 6, Helsinki

Meilahti Emergency Department
Street address: Bridge Hospital’s entrance on Paciuksenkatu Street, Paciuksenkatu 3, Helsinki

New Children’s Hospital
Street address: Stenbäckinkatu 9, Helsinki

At the emergency departments of Malmi, Meilahti and New Children’s Hospital, the staff always first assess the need for treatment and its urgency. Based on this assessment, a nurse or a doctor will see you. At the emergency departments, patients in need of urgent care are given priority. The order of arrival does not affect access to treatment, and a patient who comes after you may get treatment before you.

Children’s health

The health and development of children under school age is monitored at the maternity and child health clinic (neuvola). You can also ask them for advice and support with parenting.

In Helsinki, there are numerous maternity and child health clinics throughout the city. You can make an appointment for them online or by calling the appointment service.

Maternity and child health clinic appointment service
Tel. 09 3105 5530

School nurses take care of the health of children who attend school. More information can be obtained from the respective schools.

When a child suddenly falls ill please contact your local health station. Call the health station first thing in the morning as soon as it opens. Health stations are open on weekdays from 8 am to 4 pm.

When the health centre is closed, please call the Medical Helpline. There is an emergency clinic for children under 16 years of age at the New Children’s Hospital. The emergency clinic only treats children who are in need of urgent medical assistance.

Medical Helpline
Tel. 116 117

New Children’s Hospital (Uusi lastensairaala)
Stenbäckinkatu 9

You can also take your child to a private clinic. There are numerous private clinics that treat children in Helsinki.

Read more: Children’s health.

Dental care

Public dental care

In Helsinki, there are numerous dental clinics throughout the city. You can book, cancel and reschedule appointments by calling the dental care customer service.

Dental care customer service
Tel. 09 310 51400

If you need urgent treatment, evaluate your symptoms in the Omaolo service. You will receive instructions for what to do straight away. If you cannot use the Omaolo service, call the dental care customer service.

In evenings, at weekends and on public holidays, call emergency dental care.

Emergency dental care
Tel. 09 471 71110

If you need urgent treatment at night, call the Medical Helpline. 

Medical Helpline
Tel. 116 117

Private dental care

There are also plenty of private dental clinics in Helsinki. You can visit a private dentist even if you are not entitled to public health care services. Private dental care is more expensive than public.

Read more: Dental care.

Mental health

If you have concerns about your mental health, you can get discussion help from the Mental Health Service Unit Mieppi. You can also contact your health centre.

If the health centre is closed and you need help urgently, call the Medical Helpline at 116 117. Psychiatric emergency services for adults are provided at Meilahti Emergency Department. Psychiatric emergency services for children under 16 years are provided at the emergency department of New Children’s Hospital. The emergency departments are open around the clock.

Meilahti Emergency Department
Street address: Bridge Hospital’s entrance on Paciuksenkatu Street, Paciuksenkatu 3, Helsinki

New Children’s Hospital (Uusi Lastensairaala, ULS)
Street address: Stenbäckinkatu 9, Helsinki

More information on mental health services is available on the City of Helsinki website.

MIELI Crisis Centre (MIELI Kriisikeskus) offers support and help in difficult situations. You can call and make an appointment. The crisis reception provides services in Finnish, Swedish and English, and other languages with the help of an interpreter.

MIELI Crisis Centre Helsinki (MIELI Kriisikeskus Helsinki)
Address: Maistraatinportti 4 A, 4th floor
Tel. 09 413 50 510

Read more: Mental health.

Sexual health and contraception

If you need a prescription for contraception, contact your local health centre.

If you are under the age of 17 and need a prescription for contraception, please contact the public health nurse at your school or the centralised contraceptive counselling (keskitetty ehkäisyneuvonta) on 09 310 45566.

If you are contemplating abortion, please contact the Gynaecological Outpatient Clinic (naistentautien poliklinikka) on 09 471 65300.

If you suspect that you have a sexually transmitted disease, evaluate your symptoms in Omaolo or contact your local health centre. If you have symptoms, you can book an appointment with the Venereal Diseases Outpatient Clinic (sukupuolitautien poliklinikka) in Helsinki. The appointment number is 09 471 86220 (Mon–Fri 8.00–10.00).

Read more: Sexual health and contraception.

Pregnancy and childbirth

The well-being of the mother, baby and the whole family is monitored at a maternity clinic (äitiysneuvola) during pregnancy. Please contact the maternity and child health clinic in your area as soon as you find out about your pregnancy.

The maternity hospitals in the Helsinki region are the Women’s Hospital (Naistenklinikka) and the Espoo Hospital (Espoon sairaala). If you wish, you can also deliver your baby in another hospital within the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS). More information is available on HUS’s website.

Read more: Pregnancy and childbirth and When a child is born in Finland.

Link redirects to another websiteHUS Helsinki University Hospital


Link redirects to another websiteHUS Helsinki University Hospital

On-call services at maternity hospitals

Patient’s rights

If you feel that you have been treated unfairly within the health services, first try to solve the matter at the place of treatment. If the matter is not resolved, contact the chief physician or head nurse at your place of treatment. After this, you can contact the Patient Ombudsman (potilasasiamies) if necessary.

Disabled people

The City of Helsinki organises various services for disabled people, such as aid equipment, transport services and daytime activities. Services are also organised for disabled children.

If you have a disability please first contact your local health station (terveysasema). Your situation will be assessed at the health station.

You can find out more about services for disabled persons on the City of Helsinki website and Helsinki’s counselling for people with disabilities (vammaisneuvonta).

Read more: Disabled people.

Intoxicant abuse

If you have problems with alcohol or drugs, contact your health centre or the substance abuse services (päihdepalvelut) helpline on 09 310 42 900.

You can also contact the A-Clinic (A-klinikka).

Young people aged 13 to 23 years with substance abuse problems can get help from the Youth Substance Abuse Service Pysäkki (Nuorten päihdepalvelu Pysäkki).

Youth Substance Abuse Service Pysäkki
Laivalahdenkatu 2b C
Open without appointment Mon–Fri 9.00–15.00
Tel. 09 310 24659

Schoolchildren and students can contact the health services of their educational institute.

Read more on the City of Helsinki’s website and on the InfoFinland page Substance dependence. uses cookies

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