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Taloudellista tukea vammaisille

Financial support for disabled persons

In Finland, as a disabled person, you can apply for various benefits to help you get by financially. These benefits include disability pension, disability benefit as well as a clothing and nutrition allowance.

Disability pension

If you cannot work because of your illness or disability, you may be entitled to disability pension (työkyvyttömyyseläke). If you are blind or immobile without assistance, you are entitled to a disability pension even if you work. Disability pension is paid to persons between 18 and 64 years of age. Whether you receive disability pension is affected by how long you have lived in Finland. The usual requirement for getting disability pension is that the applicant has lived in Finland for three years.

You can apply for disability pension from Kela.

The disability benefit is paid to persons over 16 years old

If you have a disability or illness which hinders your ability to function for a continuous period of at least 12 months, you may receive the disability benefit (vammaistuki). To apply for the disability benefit, you need a medical certificate. The disability benefit for adults is paid to persons between 16 and 64 years old. The amount of the disability benefit depends on the degree of your illness or disability as well as how much help and guidance you need.

Link redirects to another websiteThe Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Kela

Disability benefit for an adult

Support for taking care of a disabled family member

If you take care of your disabled family member at home, your municipality of residence can pay you an allowance for informal care (omaishoidontuki). Ask your local services for disabled persons (vammaispalvelut) or guidance for informal care (omaishoito) for more information.

Link redirects to another websiteCarers Finland

Service guide for carers

Disability benefit for under 16-year-olds

A person who is younger than 16 can receive disability benefit (vammaistuki) if his/her disability or illness causes a need for regular care and rehabilitation for at least six months. You can apply for disability benefit for a person younger than 16 from Kela. The benefit is usually granted for a certain time period. After the period has ended, you can apply for an extension.

Link redirects to another websiteThe Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Kela

Disability benefit for a child

Special care allowance

You are eligible to receive special care allowance (erityishoitoraha) from Kela if you are

  • taking part in the hospital or outpatient care of your child under 7 years of age
  • taking part in the hospital or outpatient care of your seriously ill child between 7 and 15 years of age
  • taking part in the rehabilitation of your child who is up to 15 years of age
  • taking care of your seriously ill child under 16 years of age at home and this home care is related to your child’s hospital care or hospital outpatient care
  • on stand-by during a school or day-care trial related to your child’s serious illness.

Care allowance for pensioners

If you are a pensioner and your ability to function has weakened due to a disability or illness for a continuous period of at least 12 months, you may be eligible for care allowance for pensioners (eläkettä saavan hoitotuki). You may receive the allowance if, due to disability or illness, you need regular help or guidance and supervision. The amount of the allowance depends on how much support you need. You can apply for care allowance for pensioners from Kela.

Link redirects to another websiteThe Social Insurance Institution of Finland, Kela

Care allowance for pensioners