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Asettuminen Espooseen

Settling in Espoo

Have you just moved to Espoo and do you have many questions about your new hometown? This page contains information on expert counselling services that you can contact or make an appointment with.

Local information

Select your municipality in order to see information about local services when browsing the site.

Services that facilitate integration

Hello Espoo info

Hello Espoo is an information service where you can ask about the City of Espoo’s services and receive help for dealing with the authorities.

You can get service in plain Finnish, English or in your own language or, if necessary, with the help of a telephone interpreter.

Iso Omena
Service Centre
Suomenlahdentie 1
02230 Espoo

Tel. 040 636 8097
email: (Link opens default mail program)

Espoo Info

Information on Espoo’s services is available from the service points of the City of Espoo. There are service points throughout the city. More detailed contact information can be found on the website of the City of Espoo.

Tel. 09 816 21
email (Link opens default mail program)

Link redirects to another websiteCity of Espoo

Espoo Info

Chat services

You can also ask about City services in the chat, that is, by typing into the chat window.

Link redirects to another websiteCity of Espoo

Chat services


Community Centre Kivenkolo is a “living room” open to all, where groups of people speaking different languages can meet and organise events. Kivenkolo is located in Espoonlahti.

Merisaapas 1 A
02070 Espoon kaupunki

Tel. 040 634 3864

Link redirects to another websiteWestern Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County

Kivenkolo Community Center

Ohjaamotalo for young adults

Starttipiste in Ohjaamotalo offers guidance and counselling for young people under the age of 30 without an appointment.

Leppävaara Starttipiste
Lintuvaarantie 2 A
02650 Espoo

The Iso Omena service point provides services only by appointment.

Iso Omena Starttipiste
Suomenlahdentie 1
02230 Espoo

Ohjaamotalo’s service number: 040 126 7513

Social services promoting integration

Refugees and undocumented persons can also contact social services promoting integration. The information service provides advice and guidance without having to make an appointment. Guidance is provided in several different languages on different days.

Social services promoting integration
Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County
Pyyntitie 3
02230 Espoo
Puh. 043 827 3417


The City of Espoo’s Koto-Espoo offers support to foreign-language speaking Espoo residents who are not clients of employment services. These include stay-at-home parents and persons over the age of 65. You can get help in plain Finnish, English or in your own language.

Koto-Espoo, early-stage integration services
Matinkartanontie 16B
02230 Espoo

Espoon keskus
Terveyskuja 2A
02770 Espoo

Tel. 040 634 4480
Email: (Link opens default mail program)

Link redirects to another websiteWestern Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County

Social services that support integration

Link redirects to another websiteCity of Espoo


Hello Espoo is a website that brings together the City of Espoo’s services for new Espoo residents. The site provides helpful tips and guidelines for different life situations.

Link redirects to another websiteCity of Espoo

International House Helsinki

If you have recently moved into the Helsinki Metropolitan Area, you can receive guidance and public services in one place at International House Helsinki (IHH).

At International House Helsinki, you can:

  • seek free guidance and information related to moving in several languages
  • register your right of residence if you are a citizen of an EU country
  • apply for a Finnish personal identity code, register as a resident and report your address information
  • apply for a tax card and receive guidance on taxation
  • search for information about Finnish social security and benefits
  • receive guidance on TE services and searching for work
  • receive guidance on earnings-related pension and information on the A1 certificate
  • receive help with finding employment
  • receive guidance on day-care and school places for families
  • receive support from the Spouse Program network for the spouses of foreigners who have moved to Helsinki, Espoo or Vantaa for work
  • attend free-of-charge Newcomer information sessions in English that provide support and advice on what to do before and after arriving in Finland. The events are held online.

Lintulahdenkuja 2 D, 2nd floor
00530 Helsinki

Link redirects to another websiteInternational House Helsinki

Newcomer Information Sessions

Initial assessment and integration plan

When you register as a jobseeker, an employee from the City of Espoo’s Employment Services will conduct an initial assessment with you and create an integration plan. The plan will include agreements about studying Finnish or Swedish, your goals, how to search for work and what services you will need. The offices are located in Leppävaara and Matinkylä.

City of Espoo’s Employment Services
Leppävaarankatu 3
02600 Espoo

City of Espoo’s Employment Services
Piispanportti 10 A
02200 Espoo

Link redirects to another websiteEspoo Employment Services

Office in Sello

Link redirects to another websiteEspoo Employment Services

Piispanportti Office

The City of Espoo’s Koto-Espoo will carry out an initial assessment and prepare an integration plan if you are not a client of employment services.

Link redirects to another websiteCity of Espoo


Read more: Integration into Finland

Do you need an interpreter?

If you do not speak Finnish or Swedish, you can use an interpreter when dealing with the authorities. In some cases, the authorities may provide the interpreter. If so, the interpreting services will not cost you anything. “Authorities” here refers to the police, Kela or an official of the City of Espoo.

However, authorities do not always pay for the interpreter. This is why you must always ask beforehand whether or not the interpreting services are paid for.

You can employ the services of an interpreter at any time if you pay the costs and book one yourself.

Read more: Do you need an interpreter?

Link redirects to another websiteWestern Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County

Social services that support integration

Link redirects to another websiteThe Finnish Association of Translators and Interpreters

Search for an interpreter or a translator

Financial problems

In Finland, you can get help and advice with financial matters if you have money problems.

Read more: Financial problems

In Espoo, you can contact the Financial Advice Clinic or the Legal Aid Office. Both services are free of charge.

Financial Advice Clinic
Ison Omenan Palvelutori
Suomenlahdentie 1
02230 Espoo

tel. 040 639 3944

Länsi-Uusimaa Legal Aid Office
Piispansilta 9 B
02230 Espoo

tel. 029 56 61827
e-mail: lansi-uusimaa.velkaneuvonta(at)

Link redirects to another websiteWestern Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County

Financial counselling service