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Terveys Espoossa

Health in Espoo

In Espoo, public health services are provided by health centres, dental clinics, maternity and child health clinics and hospitals. There are also several private health centres.

Local information

Select your municipality in order to see information about local services when browsing the site.

Health services in Espoo

Call the emergency number 112 in an emergency. The emergency number should be dialled in case of an accident or a seizure, for example. Do not call the emergency number if the matter is not urgent.

If your municipality of residence is Espoo, you are entitled to use public health services. Public health services are provided by health stations, dental clinics, maternity and child health clinics and hospitals. In Espoo, the Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County organises the health and social services of the area.

If you are not entitled to use public health care services, you can seek help at a private medical clinic, for example. At private clinics, you will have to cover all expenses yourself.

Read more: Health.

Health centres

Public health services are provided by health stations (terveysasema). Health stations are open from Monday to Friday. Health stations normally provide appointments to see doctors, nurses or public health nurses.

You can assess your need for care and seek care instructions in the digital Omaolo service in Finnish, Swedish and English. Through Omaolo, you can also book an appointment at a health centre if necessary.

When you contact a health station, a nurse or a doctor will assess your need for treatment and its urgency.

Appointment booking telephone for Espoo health stations:

Monday to Friday at 8.00–15.30
tel. 09 47636 400

Your call to a health station may not be answered right away. Leave a message and someone will call you back shortly.

Arrive for your appointment on time.

If you cannot make it to the appointment, cancel it as soon as possible.

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Health stations

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Private health services

Anyone can go to a private medical centre. Private medical centres are also suitable for people who are not entitled to public health care in Finland. At private clinics, customers will have to cover all expenses.

There are several private medical clinics in Espoo. The contact information for private doctors can be found online, for example.


Read more about buying medication on InfoFinland page Medication.

Health care for undocumented migrants

If you are in Finland without a residence permit and you are in Espoo, you can receive necessary health services. For more information, call the telephone service of the Espoo health centres, tel. 09 47636 400.

Helsinki’s Global Clinic provides undocumented people with health-related advice, tel. 044 977 45 47.

Read more: Health services in Finland

Emergency services

The health station is closed in the evenings and at weekends. At these times, acute cases and accidents are treated at emergency clinics (päivystys). The nearest emergency clinic for adults is at Jorvi Hospital in Espoo.

Call the free-of-charge medical helpline, tel. 116 117, before coming to the emergency health centre.

Jorvi Hospital Emergency Clinic
Turuntie 150
02740 Espoo

Appointments are not necessary for emergency clinics.

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Read more: Health services in Finland

Children’s health

Nurses and doctors of the maternity and child health clinic (neuvola) will help you with the health care of children between 1 and 6 years of age. You can ask them for advice and support with raising a child. The child health clinic monitors the health and proper development of your child.

In Espoo, there are numerous child health clinics throughout the city. You can make appointments for all child health clinics through the same number.

Child health clinic appointments
Tel. 029 151 2400

If your child falls ill and requires urgent treatment, contact the health station (terveysasema).

A school nurse looks after the health of school-age children. Every school has a designated public health nurse, whose contact information you can find on the school’s website.

In the evenings and at weekends, emergency care for children under 16 years of age is provided at Jorvi Hospital in Espoo and in the New Children’s Hospital in Helsinki.

You can also take your children to a private medical centre.

Read more: Children’s health

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Maternity and child health clinics

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Health stations

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Information about health care for school-age children

Dental care

Public dental care

You can use public dental care services if your municipality of residence is Espoo. In case of emergency, you can use public services even if your municipality of residence is not Espoo.

You can make a dentist’s appointment through the joint number.

Dental clinic appointments
Tel. 029 151 2770
You can call the number on weekdays.

Emergency first aid

Monday to Friday
tel. 029 151 2860

Evenings at 14.00–21.00 and weekends at 8.00–21.00
tel. 09 4717 1110

Night-time emergency care 21.00–8.00
tel. 116 117, Haartman Hospital, Helsinki

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Dental care

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Emergency dental care

Private dental care

There are also private dental clinics in Espoo. You can visit a private dentist even if you are not entitled to public health care services. Private dental care is more expensive than the public one.

Read more: Dental care

Mental health

If you need help or support with challenges related to mental health, addiction or substance abuse, please contact mental health and substance abuse services in a timely manner.

Monday to Friday at 8.00–16.00
tel. 029 151 2295

If you need urgent assistance in a crisis, please contact Social and Crisis Emergency Services (Sosiaali- ja kriisipäivystys).  The crisis may be related to violence, relationships or problems with children, for example.

Open every day around the clock
tel. 029 151 2221

You can also come to the mental health and substance abuse clinic without an appointment. It is open from 8.00 to 12.00 on Mondays, Wednesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.

Address: Iso Omena Service Centre, Suomenlahdentie 1.

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Information about mental health services

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Social and crisis emergency services

The crisis helpline of MIELI Mental Health Finland is available in several languages. The Finnish telephone service is open 24/7.
Tel. 09 2525 0111
See other opening hours on MIELI Mental Health Finland’s website.

Read more: Mental health

Sexual health

The contraception and family planning clinics (ehkäisyneuvola) of health stations provide assistance in preventing pregnancy and planning a family. Young people can discuss matters related to sexual health with their school nurse.

If you need a gynaecological examination, please contact the health station. You can also make an appointment at the health station if you require a prescription for contraception or you are contemplating abortion. The contact information for the health stations can be found on the City of Espoo website.

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Health stations

Sexually transmitted diseases in the Metropolitan Area are treated at the sexually transmitted disease clinic of Helsinki.

Link redirects to another websiteHUS Helsinki University Hospital

Sexually transmitted disease clinic

Read more: Sexual health

Pregnancy and childbirth

Please contact the maternity and child health clinic (neuvola) when you find out you are expecting a baby. The clinic monitors the well-being of the mother, baby and entire family during the pregnancy. In Espoo, there are numerous maternity and child health clinics throughout the city. You can make appointments for all of them through the same number.

Maternity and child health clinic appointments and information service
Tel. 09 816 22800

Read more: Pregnancy and childbirth

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Maternity and child health clinics

The Espoo Hospital, which is equipped for childbirth, is located in Espoo. If you wish, you can also deliver your baby in another hospital within the Hospital District of Helsinki and Uusimaa (HUS). More information is available on HUS’s website.

Link redirects to another websiteHUS Helsinki University Hospital


Link redirects to another websiteHUS Helsinki University Hospital

On-call services at maternity hospitals

Disabled people

You can receive disability services if your disability or illness causes problems with housing, mobility or the ability to cope at home, for example.

If you have questions about support services for persons with disabilities, please contact the Western Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County’s Disability Services.

Tel. 029 1512 425

email: (Link opens default mail program)

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Disability Services

Read more: Disabled people uses cookies

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