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Perhe Espoossa

Family in Espoo

The Family in Espoo page contains practical instructions if you are getting married or taking care of a child at home or need services for an elderly person close to you. We can also tell you where to get help if you have family problems.

Local information

Select your municipality in order to see information about local services when browsing the site.


Before getting married, you must request in writing an examination of the possible impediments to your marriage (avioliiton esteiden tutkiminen). The examination of impediments is done at the Digital and Population Data Services Agency. You can submit the examination request to any service location.

Digital and Population Data Services Agency
Miestentie 3
02150 Espoo
Tel. 0295 536 244

Read more: Marriage

Link redirects to another websiteDigital and Population Data Services Agency

Marriage ceremony

Link redirects to another websiteDigital and Population Data Services Agency

Request for an examination of impediments to marriage

Child’s birth

Information regarding a child’s birth is sent from the hospital to the Finnish Population Information System. You have to inform the Digital and Population Data Services Agency about the child’s names, native language and other necessary information on a separate form that will be sent to your home.

You can read more about the registration of a child’s birth, recognition of paternity and custody on the InfoFinland page: When a child is born in Finland.

Read more: Health in Espoo

Link redirects to another websiteHUS Helsinki University Hospital


Early childhood education

Information on early childhood education in Espoo is available on the InfoFinland page Education in Espoo.

Temporary childcare

If you need a temporary nanny in your home you can contact the Mannerheim League for Child Welfare (Mannerheimin lastensuojeluliitto) or Väestöliitto.

Link redirects to another websiteFamily Federation of Finland

Childcare and domestic help

Link redirects to another websiteMannerheim League for Child Welfare

Help for childcare

Child home care allowance

If the youngest child of the family is under three years of age, a parent may receive child home care allowance (kotihoidon tuki) if he or she takes care of the child at home. If you are entitled to child home care allowance, you can apply for it from Kela. You can fill in the application online or post it to Kela. You can also visit a Kela office. Espoo has four Kela offices.

The City of Espoo pays an additional Espoo supplement to families who care for a child under the age of 18 months at home.

Read more: Benefits for looking after a child at home

Resident playgrounds and clubs

The City of Espoo organises many activities for parents who are caring for their children at home. Residents’ parks and early childhood education clubs are free of charge.


Elderly people can use the services of regular health stations. In addition, Espoo provides specialised elderly services, such as home care services. If you would like more information on elderly services, contact Guidance for Elderly Citizens (Seniorineuvonta).

Tel. 029 1512 270 (Link opens default mail program)

Link redirects to another websiteWestern Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County

Senior Info

If you care for a family member at home

If you are taking care of an elderly, ill or disabled family member at home, you may be entitled to informal care allowance.

Link redirects to another websiteWestern Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County

Informal care allowance

Read more: Elderly

Problems in a family

Problems in marriage and relationships

If you have marriage or relationships problems, you can contact parenting guidance and family counselling. The service is intended for families with children.

The Family Federation of Finland (Väestöliitto) provides relationship counselling and couples therapy in Finnish and English.

Familia Club’s Duo Project offers relationship counselling for intercultural couples in Finnish and English. The counselling is subject to a charge.

The Church Family Counselling Centre also provides advice to families with relationship problems.


Omatila can help you if there is violence or threats of violence in your family. If necessary, Omatila will organise safe accommodation for you and your children. The service is confidential and free of charge.

Armas Launiksen katu 10
Tel. 043 825 0535
E-mail: (Link opens default mail program)

Men who have used violence against their family members can receive help from Miehen linja service, which is intended for immigrant men.

Miehen linja
Maalarinkuja 3 B
02650 Espoo
Tel. 09 276 62899
E-mail: kontakti(at)

Children's and young peoples problems

The family centre offers many services for families with children. You can also receive support in matters related to parenting and your children’s upbringing.

Kamreerintie 6
02770 Espoo

Nurses at the child health clinic can give advice about issues related to the health and development of young children.

In Espoo there are several child health clinics throughout the city.

Child health care clinic appointments and information service
Tel. 029 151 2400

If your child is of school age, you can ask help from the school nurse.

If you would like advice on matters related to the mental development of a child, you can contact parenting guidance and family counselling.

Tel. 029 151 2360.

The Family Federation of Finland (Väestöliitto) helps immigrant families in matters connected to raising children and the well-being of families.

Counselling in different languages:

Tel. 050 325 6450 (Sorani, Dari, Persian)
Tel. 050 325 7173 (Russian, English)

Young people can share their problems with the nurse (terveydenhoitaja) at their school or educational institute. Help is also available from other sources.

Young people can turn to mental health and substance abuse services for young people and Nupoli Youth Clinic with problems that relate to, for example, mental health, intoxicant abuse, gambling or how they spend their leisure time.

If a young person feels it is not safe to be at home, they can contact the Youth Emergency Shelter of the Finnish Red Cross. The shelter is located in Leppävaara.

Youth Emergency Shelter
Läkkisepänkuja 2 A 14
02650 Espoo

Tel. 050 339 0619
E-mail: (Link opens default mail program)

Link redirects to another websiteWestern Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County

Family centre

Link redirects to another websiteWestern Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County

Information about health care for school-age children


Either spouse alone or both spouses together can file for a divorce. You can file for a divorce alone, even if your spouse does not wish to separate from you. In Espoo, divorce applications are filed with Western Uusimaa District Court.

District Court of Länsi-Uusimaa (Länsi-Uudenmaan käräjäoikeus)
Maarintie 4
02150 Espoo
Tel. 029 564 4000
E-mail: (Link opens default mail program)

Read more about filing for a divorce: Divorce

Link redirects to another websiteDistrict Court of Länsi-Uusimaa

Contact information

Link redirects to another websiteWestern Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County

Separation in the family

Children in a divorce

If you and your spouse have children and are planning to divorce, make an appointment to see a child supervisor (lastenvalvoja). The child supervisor will confirm an agreement on living arrangements, custody, visitation rights and child maintenance support.

Child supervisor appointments
Monday to Friday at 10:00–11:00
tel. 029 151 3010

Read more: Children in a divorce

Link redirects to another websiteWestern Uusimaa Wellbeing Services County

Securing child custody and right of access

If you require legal assistance, contact Länsi-Uusimaa Legal Aid Office (Länsi-Uudenmaan oikeusaputoimisto).

Piispanportti 10 A
02200 Espoo
Tel. 029 56 61820
E-mail: (Link opens default mail program)

Link redirects to another websiteLänsi-Uusimaa Legal Aid Office

Legal aid

When a close family member dies in Finland

If a person close to you dies suddenly and you need support, you can contact Espoo Social and Crisis Emergency Services (Espoon sosiaali- ja kriisipäivystys), Tel. 029 151 2221.

Espoo has five Christian cemeteries. Kellonummi Cemetery features a non-denominational section. People who practise other religions or no religion at all can be buried there.

Read more: When a close family member dies in Finland

Link redirects to another websiteEspoo parishes
