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Accessibility statement

This accessibility statement concerns the website of the City of Helsinki. The site address is leads to external service)

The city’s objective

In the accessibility of digital services, Helsinki aims to reach at least Level AA or above as set forth in the WCAG guidelines, if this is reasonably achievable.

Compliance status

This website meets the statutory accessibility requirements in full.

Preparation of the accessibility statement

This statement was prepared on 14 April 2022 and was updated on 7 October 2022.

Assessment of accessibility

The working instruction and procedures of the City of Helsinki were followed when evaluating the accessibility of the site, with the aim of ensuring that websites are accessible in all stages of the work process.

Accessibility was evaluated by means of an audit by a third-party expert.

The third-party expert audit was carried out by Siteimprove’s accessibility experts on 8 April 2022.

Defects reported by the evaluation tools were reviewed and corrected.

Updating the accessibility statement

The accessibility of the website must be ensured through constant monitoring when the website technology or content changes and through periodic checks. This statement will be updated in conjunction with website changes and accessibility checks.

Feedback and contact information

Party responsible for site accessibility:

InfoFinland editorial team
City Executive Office
PO Box 1
FI-00099 City of Helsinki (Link opens default mail program)

Reporting non-accessible content

If users feel that accessibility requirements have not been met, they can report the issue by email to (Link opens default mail program) or through the feedback form at

Requesting information in an accessible format

If users feel that content on the website is not available in an accessible format, they can request this information by email at (Link opens default mail program) or through the feedback form at Effort is made to reply to enquiries within a reasonable time.

Legal protection of accessibility, Enforcement procedure

If users feel that their report or enquiry has not received a response or that the response is unsatisfactory, they can report the issue to the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland. The website of the Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland provides detailed instructions on how the matter will be dealt with.

Regional State Administrative Agency for Southern Finland (Etelä-Suomen aluehallintovirasto)
Accessibility control unit (Saavutettavuuden valvonnan yksikkö) leads to external service) (Link opens default mail program)
Switchboard: 0295 016000

The City of Helsinki and accessibility

The city promotes the accessibility of digital services by harmonising publishing work and by organising accessibility-related training for its personnel.

The accessibility level of websites is monitored constantly during their maintenance. Immediate action is taken if deficiencies are found. The necessary changes are carried out as quickly as possible.

This website/application has been published

14 April 2022